
Sasha the Staffy I was talking about

nice warm day!

After another cloudy day yesterday we had some nice typical Spanish weather today, warm and sunny.
Still doing quarantine only. There is a Staffy there in the back called Sasha who is driving me crazy.
She is all muscles and so strong!!!! It is so hard to put her back into the kennel.
When you give her a bowl of food she knocks it over immediately so her food is all over the floor.
I think she is just so bored being there in her small kennel.  I hope she moves to another part of the shelter soon where she will be able to move around more freely and have some nice playmates.

I took some pictures of the Back of the shelter. Some really nice dogs there. They all love some cuddles and attention, :)

                                                                          friendly Robbie

                                                                              cute Rusty
                                                                    and beautiful Patch


cute staffy in quarantine: Rosie

today was a bit different

We had some extreme weather here today. It was raining all night, so at 2am I went to check on the puppies in quarantine, to see if their beds were still dry. Fortunately they were.

Luckily they had some spare raincoats here, cause you needed it today. It was hard to clean the kennels since the rain kept flooding in. You could tell the dogs were upset, they hardly ate and didn't want to go outside to play. I got some extra towels for the puppies to keep them warm. I felt so sorry for all the dogs when it started thundering, :(.

Nobody could reach the shelter since the roads were blocked(and the road leading to the shelter was flooded anyway), cellphones weren't working and we had no internet. All in all, a very weird day.


the vegetable puppies(they are named after vegetables)

A friend of mine(you know who you are) wanted more 'Cindy' on my blog.  So that's why I decided to write a bit more about my experiences here at Paws instead of just posting pictures.

Today was my second day here. It has been a bit different from the previous 2 times I was here. First of all there are no more guard dogs to greet you when you arrive unfortunately. Austin(one of the sweetest dogs ever) was adopted and Leonie died. And Henry, the office dog also died.

I did quarantine today and yesterday which is a bit more of a hassle than working in the other parts of the shelter. You have to disinfect your shoes every time you go in and leave a kennel and the kennels are quite small. There are lots of puppies in there now. My favorite are the 6 galgo puppies. They are very playful yet very gentle, not in your face the whole time like a lot of other puppies are. And of course they are gorgeous, but maybe I am biased, :).

    4 of the 6 galgo puppies enjoying their dinner, :)