
my last day

Yesterday was the last day I worked. I worked with a new Dutch volunteer. When you are with two people you have plenty of time so we sat down and played and cuddled with the dogs a lot. Not a bad day at all, :)

Today I woke up at 7am by dogs barking. The barking sounded unusually close by so I decided to go and see what was happening. And as I expected I found 2 dogs tied to the gate. It was still dark outside so with the help of a flashlight I took the dogs inside. They were 2 lovely galgos.
A male and a female. The female wasn't afraid at all and wanted to cuddle from the minute she saw me. She looked like a female version of Sirocco. The male was a bit more timid but I sat with them for almost 2 hours and after a couple of cookies he also came up to me to be stroked.

They both looked well fed, with some scars on their bodies but not like the too skinny hunting dogs we usually get. Makes me wonder what kind of people would do such a cowardly thing as leaving your dogs in the middle of the night tied to the fence of a shelter. And how the hell could you possibly part with such lovely sweet dogs?!?! I will never understand that, :(
Just yesterday I was thinking that I had found no dogs tied to the fence in the 3 weeks I have been here. And then my last day starts like this...

Today was my day off. So I went for a ride with the bike(they just needed some air in the tires I found out, der!) to Turre to get some groceries for tomorrow since it is gonna be a long day and I won't get home til around 11pm.
In the afternoon I felt a bit useless. I just wanted to work and help out with the dogs. I sat in Spencer's and Darla's kennel for a long time. Spencer has been here forever unfortunately. He is an older dog but still very active and playful. He loves my attention and always wants to sit on my lap even though he is much too big for that, :). After Sirocco he is my favorite dog here. He is such a big sweetheart.

In the late afternoon I discussed some stuff about Sirocco's health with Didi(shelter manager). They are going to order the medication he needs for the disease he has(Leishmania) since it is a lot cheaper in Spain than in The Netherlands. He will need to have 3 pills a day for the next 5 months. After that the disease should be under control. And I signed the official contract. Yeah!!

It is still not really sinking in that he will be mine. I guess that won't really come til 31 October when the transport arrives in The Netherlands.

                                                                         Chiya, who looks like Sirocco
                                                                  they seem to be very curious, :)
                                                                eating treats out of my hand
                                                                      sweet Spencer

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